What does Exclusions mean?
Medical malpractice insurance policies generally have exclusions. Exclusions are any activities or actions which are not covered by the insurance policy. Common exclusions can include illegal conduct, sexual improprieties, items misrepresented on the application for insurance, and hospital or laboratory administration and records alteration. Other policies may exclude coverage for professional acts outside of the office or regular hours.
According to XInsurance, "Malpractice policies also generally do not protect you from sexual harassment claims or judgments against you, slip and fall claims, breach of contract or even a breach of security situation." Doctors or other medical staff who have purchased medical malpractice insurance should make sure they understand the policy and what is and is not covered. Insurance policies are contracts and should be discussed with an insurance broker or agent to make sure you understand your policy terms.
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Indemnity Benefits
Indemnity benefits are monetary payments made to injured workers for protection against loss or damageCategory: Workers Compensation