Occupational Disease
What does Occupational Disease mean?
Occupational disease is a disease which is acquired through one's employment. For example, workers who are exposed to dangerous chemicals or toxins may acquire a variety of health conditions. Under workers' compensation laws a worker who develops an occupational disease due to their unsafe working environment may file a workers' compensation claim against their employer to recover damages for their injury. A historical example of this occurred when workers were exposed to asbestos and developed cancer. Funds have been established to compensate these workers for their injuries.
Workers' compensation laws make it difficult to sue an employer for a work-related injury. If you are injured at work your best course of action is to report your injury to your employer and find out what benefits are available. If your employer, however, does not have workers' compensation insurance or the amount they are willing to pay does not fully compensate you for your losses it's time to talk to a work comp attorney.