Satisfaction Guaranteed
What does Satisfaction Guaranteed mean?
The Definition
Satisfaction guaranteed is a promise that if a buyer is not satisfied with the product purchased, that the seller will refund the buyer's money in full. Another name for this term is also "money back guaranteed." This phrase is commonly used in infomercials or commercials advertising a product or service, and is a marketing strategy that has been used for hundreds of years. Sometimes, though, the seller will retract the guarantee if the buyer is not completely satisfied. In a case like this, when sellers make false claims of satisfaction guaranteed, legal action can be taken against the seller.
Example of Satisfaction Guaranteed
Jane was watching television late one Saturday night, and saw an infomercial advertising a new cleaning product. She was intrigued by the before and after photos and demonstrations, and wanted to try the product for her own home. At the end of the infomercial, the advertiser stated that satisfaction is guaranteed, or the buyer will receive a full refund if they do not like the product. Jane called the number immediately, and purchased the product. However, when it was delivered to her house, the product leaked throughout the package, making it a completely empty bottle. Jane called the company and explained the situation, asking for them to send her a replacement in the mail. However, the company said that it was not their fault that the mail carrier handled the package carelessly, so they are not responsible for the faulty product. Because of this, they refused to refund her money and denied her the opportunity to try a new bottle. Jane contacted the authorities, claiming the company was falsely claiming satisfaction guaranteed like their infomercial said. Because of the false claims, the company was apprehended and Jane was awarded her money back.
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